In the modern business world, being up-to-date with accounting, compliance and other administration requirements is of vital importance in order to avoid wrong decision-making and of course money wastage such as fines for overdue payments. Assigning the business tasks and accountancy needs to qualified and resourceful professionals helps to improve operational efficiency by creating flexibility and precious time to focus on the core business.
We provide a full range of services which assist our clients in complying with local legislation and in running their company effectively on a day-to-day basis and ensuring that their long-term and short-term objectives are achieved. Our services which can be offered either from our offices or from the clients’ place of business include:
• Bookkeeping services or accounting supervision
• Payroll services
• Preparation and submission of VAT and Social Security returns
• Management accounting
• Preparation of financial statements in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)